On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Kevin Grittner <kgri...@ymail.com> wrote:
> In any event, I'm against removing or re-deprecating the money
> type.  There are some problems with money; there are other problems
> with numeric.  If the docs are failing to make the trade-offs
> clear, we should fix the docs.  And we can always look at improving
> either or both types.  The fact that numeric is 5x to 20x slower
> than money in important applications, combined with the fact that
> it performs far worse than a similar type in another product,
> suggest that numeric could stand a serious optimization pass.

Money should stay.  It is the only fixed point integer based numeric
that comes with the database.  Should a non locale dependent fixed
point type that offers the same performance come along, then you have
a good argument to deprecate.

numeric is definitely a dog which the fundamental problem IMNSHO.  I'm
guessing optimization paths are going to revolve around utilizing
binary integer ops in cases where it's known to be safe to do so.


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