Andreas Joseph Krogh <> writes:
> Hi.   When working with Oracle it is possible to catch constraint-violations 
> caused by triggers using JDBC, but it seems this isn't possible using PG, see 
> this thread: 

I'm not exactly following the point.  The complaint seems to be that

    RAISE EXCEPTION 'ID must be less then 10';

doesn't send anything except the given primary message and a generic
SQLSTATE.  Well, duh: it's not supposed to.  There are a bunch of options
you can supply in RAISE to populate additional fields of the error report.
For example, you could add


if you wanted the report to name the table the trigger is attached to.

So it seems to me this is lazy plpgsql programming, not a missing feature.
It would only be a missing feature if you think plpgsql should try to
auto-populate these fields; but I'd be against that because it would
require too many assumptions about exactly what the function might be
complaining about.

                        regards, tom lane

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