On 11/13/2014 02:44 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
Hi Steve,

If it still happens, could you send me instructions of how to reproduce
the problem after cloning the necessary source repositories? It's quite
hard to validate a possible fix otherwise.

1. Install PG 9.4

2. Perform an initdb
   max_connections = 200
   wal_keep_segments = 100
   wal_sender_timeout = 600s
   max_replication_slots = 120

Create a user slon with superuser
create a user test
(set passwords for them you'll use them later)

Configure pg_hba.conf to allow slon to connect as a replication user

3. Download slony from github (https://github.com/ssinger/slony1-engine.git)
   checkout  the branch logical_remote_helper
    ./configure --with-pgconfigdir=/path_to_your_pgcbindir
make install

4. Download clustertest & compile clustertest from (https://github.com/clustertest/clustertest-framework).
5. In the slony source tree cd to the clustertest directory
6. cp conf/disorder.properties.sample to conf/disorder.properties
Edit the file to have the correct paths, ports, users, passwords.

7 cp conf/java.properties.sample to conf/java.properties edit the file to point at the JAR you downloaded earlier.

I run with all 5 databases on the same PG cluster. Performance will be much better with 5 different clusters, but I recommend trying to emulate my configuration as much as possible to replicate this

To run the tests then do

At the moment (commit df5acfd1a3) is configured to just run the Failover node test cases where I am seeing this not the entire suite.

It typically takes between 30 minutes to an hour to run though.

I installed things following the above steps on a different system than my usual development laptop and I have been unable to reproduce the error so for (on that system). But I am still able to reproduce it on occasion on my normal development laptop.


Andres Freund

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