> > When we specify a value which exceeds valid range in "Customized
> > Options" , its behavior is different from "Parameter Interaction via
> Configuration File" behavior.
> > In case of "Parameter Interaction via Configuration File", it finish
> with FATAL error when it get threshold error.
> > But in "Customized Options", it just printout WARNING and continue the
> process with default value.
> I think this is based on a misunderstanding.  Bad values in
> postgresql.conf only result in a FATAL error at initial postmaster
> startup; if you change them and SIGHUP the server, an erroneous new value
> just results in a WARNING.  This is because we don't really want the
> server crashing once it's up.  The case you're showing with registering
> a new background worker is something that happens after the server is
> up, so it's consistent for it to produce a WARNING not a fatal error.

Thanks for the reply.

> registering a new background worker is something that happens after the 
> server is up

I understand that parameters which are set by "Customized Options" are loaded 
after server is up, same as like "pg_ctl reload", so even if invalid parameters 
are specified postmaster just ignore them and results in a WARNING.

However, "Customized Options" always treated as "pg_ctl reload" is little bit 
strange to me.


Furuya Osamu

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