On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 02:51:32PM +1300, David Rowley wrote:
> Likely for most aggregates, like count, sum, max, min, bit_and and bit_or the
> merge function would be the same as the transition function, as the state type
> is just the same as the input type. It would only be aggregates like avg(),
> stddev*(), bool_and() and bool_or() that would need a new merge function
> made... These would be no more complex than the transition functions... Which
> are just a few lines of code anyway.
> We'd simply just not run parallel query if any aggregates used in the query
> didn't have a merge function.
> When I mentioned this, I didn't mean to appear to be placing a road block.I 
> was
> just bringing to the table the information that COUNT(*) + COUNT(*) works ok
> for merging COUNT(*)'s "sub totals", but AVG(n) + AVG(n) does not.

Sorry, late reply, but, FYI, I don't think our percentile functions
can't be parallelized in the same way:

        test=> \daS *percent*
                                                              List of aggregate 
           Schema   |      Name       |  Result data type  |             
Argument data types              |             Description
         pg_catalog | percent_rank    | double precision   | VARIADIC "any" 
ORDER BY VARIADIC "any"       | fractional rank of hypothetical row
         pg_catalog | percentile_cont | double precision   | double precision 
ORDER BY double precision   | continuous distribution percentile
         pg_catalog | percentile_cont | double precision[] | double precision[] 
ORDER BY double precision | multiple continuous percentiles
         pg_catalog | percentile_cont | interval           | double precision 
ORDER BY interval           | continuous distribution percentile
         pg_catalog | percentile_cont | interval[]         | double precision[] 
ORDER BY interval         | multiple continuous percentiles
         pg_catalog | percentile_disc | anyelement         | double precision 
ORDER BY anyelement         | discrete percentile
         pg_catalog | percentile_disc | anyarray           | double precision[] 
ORDER BY anyelement       | multiple discrete percentiles

  Bruce Momjian  <br...@momjian.us>        http://momjian.us
  EnterpriseDB                             http://enterprisedb.com

  + Everyone has their own god. +

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