On 12/15/2014 07:42 AM, Claudio Freire wrote:

If you do that, you start with empty partitions, and each insert updates the BRIN tuple. Avoiding concurrency loss in this case would be tricky, but in theory this could allow very general partition exclusion. In fact it could even work with constraint exclusion right now: you'd have a single-tuple BRIN index for each partition and benefit from it. But you don't need to pay the price of updating BRIN indexes, as min-max tuples for each partition can be produced while creating the partitions if the syntax already provides the information. Then, it's just a matter of querying this meta-data which just happens to have the form of a BRIN tuple for each partition.

Yup. Indeed this is the way I outlined in my previous e-mail.

The only point being: Why bother with BRIN when we already have the range machinery, and it's trivial to add pointers to partitions from each range?

I suggested that BRIN would solve a situation when the amount of partitions is huge (say, thousands) and we might need to be able to efficiently locate the appropriate partition. In this situation, a linear search might become prohibitive, or the data structure (a simple B-Tree, maybe) become too big to be worth keeping in memory. This is where being able to store the "partition index" on disk would be interesting.

Moreover, I guess that ---by using this approach (B-Tree[range]->partition_id and/or BRIN)--- we could efficiently answer the question "do we have any tuple with this key in some partition?" which AFAICS is pretty close to us having "global indexes".


    / J.L.

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