Hello, >Updated patches addressing all those things are attached.
Below are some performance numbers using latest patch 20141219_fpw_compression_v9 . Compression looks promising with reduced impact on CPU usage, tps and runtime. pgbench command : pgbench -c 16 -j 16 -r -t 250000 -M prepared To ensure that data is not highly compressible, empty filler columns were altered using alter table pgbench_accounts alter column filler type text using gen_random_uuid()::text checkpoint_segments = 1024 checkpoint_timeout = 5min fsync = on Compression On Off WAL generated 24558983188(~24.56 GB) 35931217248 (~ 35.93GB) Runtime 5987.0 s 5825.0 s TPS tps = 668.05 tps = 686.69 Latency average 23.935 ms 23.211 ms Latency stddev 80.619 ms 80.141 ms CPU usage(user) 916.64s 614.76s CPU usage(system) 54.96s 64.14s IO(average writes to disk) 10.43 MB . 12.5 MB IO(total writes to disk) 64268.94 MB 72920 MB Reduction in WAL is around 32 %. Reduction in total IO writes to disk is around 12%. Impact on runtime , tps and latency is very less. CPU usage when compression is on is increased by 49% which is lesser as compared to earlier measurements. Server specifications: Processors:Intel® Xeon ® Processor E5-2650 (2 GHz, 8C/16T, 20 MB) * 2 nos RAM: 32GB Disk : HDD 450GB 10K Hot Plug 2.5-inch SAS HDD * 8 nos 1 x 450 GB SAS HDD, 2.5-inch, 6Gb/s, 10,000 rpm Thank you, Rahila Syed