Robert Haas <> writes:
> I was involved in some internal discussions related to this patch, so
> I have some opinions on it.  The long-term, high-level goal here is to
> facilitate sharding.  If we've got a bunch of PostgreSQL servers
> interlinked via postgres_fdw, it should be possible to perform
> transactions on the cluster in such a way that transactions are just
> as atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable as they would be with
> just one server.  As far as I know, there is no way to achieve this
> goal through the use of an external transaction manager, because even
> if that external transaction manager guarantees, for every
> transaction, that the transaction either commits on all nodes or rolls
> back on all nodes, there's no way for it to guarantee that other
> transactions won't see some intermediate state where the commit has
> been completed on some nodes but not others.  To get that, you need
> some of integration that reaches down to the way snapshots are taken.

That's a laudable goal, but I would bet that nothing built on the FDW
infrastructure will ever get there.  Certainly the proposed patch doesn't
look like it moves us very far towards that set of goalposts.

> I think, though, that it might be worthwhile to first solve the
> simpler problem of figuring out how to ensure that a transaction
> commits everywhere or rolls back everywhere, even if intermediate
> states might still be transiently visible.

Perhaps.  I suspect that it might still be a dead end if the ultimate
goal is cross-system atomic commit ... but likely it would teach us
some useful things anyway.

                        regards, tom lane

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