On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 7:14 AM, Deepak S <in.live...@live.in> wrote:

> Sorry, it's not about querying. I am implementing an invalidation
> mechanism for Postgres Query Cache as part of my masters project. In order
> to this, I need to store details(like name) of each table the query uses.
> In essence, I need to store the table names of the cached queries.
> Initially, I thought of writing a code that could extract the table names
> but later discovered that it is a gargantuan task as I shall have to
> include around 600 production rules as was hinted in a Stackoverflow
> Exchange post. Hence, I thought of getting hold of the data structure used
> for storing table names of a DB but I couldn't get it.

For prototyping you might also find https://github.com/pganalyze/pg_query

Its a Ruby-based library that makes the Postgres parser easier to access
from the outside, getting a list of tables from a query is trivial - but if
you need the oids you'll have to do it like pgpool does.

(feel free to ping me off-list about this)


Lukas Fittl

Skype: lfittl
Phone: +43 6991 2770651

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