On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 5:39 PM, Peter Geoghegan <p...@heroku.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Merlin Moncure <mmonc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> (gdb) print  BufferGetBlockNumber(buf)
>> $15 = 9
>> ..and it stays 9, continuing several times having set breakpoint.
> And the index involved? I'm pretty sure that this in an internal page, no?

The index is the oid index on pg_class.  Some more info:

*) temp table churn is fairly high.  Several dozen get spawned and
destroted at the start of a replication run, all at once, due to some
dodgy coding via dblink.  During the replication run, the temp table
churn rate drops.

*)  running btreecheck, I see:
cds2=# select bt_index_verify('pg_class_oid_index');
NOTICE:  page 7 of index "pg_class_oid_index" is deleted
NOTICE:  page 10 of index "pg_class_oid_index" is deleted
NOTICE:  page 12 of index "pg_class_oid_index" is deleted

cds2=# select bt_leftright_verify('pg_class_oid_index');
WARNING:  left link/right link pair don't comport at level 0, block 9,
last: 2, current left: 4
WARNING:  left link/right link pair don't comport at level 0, block 9,
last: 9, current left: 4
WARNING:  left link/right link pair don't comport at level 0, block 9,
last: 9, current left: 4
WARNING:  left link/right link pair don't comport at level 0, block 9,
last: 9, current left: 4
WARNING:  left link/right link pair don't comport at level 0, block 9,
last: 9, current left: 4
[repeat infinity until cancel]

which looks like the index is corrupted?  ISTM _bt_moveright is
hanging because it's trying to move from block 9 to block 9 and so
loops forever.


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