
> The plot thickens!  I looped the test, still stock 9.4 as of this time
> and went to lunch. When I came back, the database was in recovery
> mode.  Here is the rough sequence of events.

Whoa. That looks scary. Did you see (some of) those errors before? Most
of them should have been emitted independently of being built with

> 1) REINDEXED pg_class (wanted clean slate for full reproduction)
> 2) before too long (unfortunately did not configure timestamps in the
> log) starting seeing:
> ERROR:  root page 3 of index "pg_class_oid_index" has level 0,
> expected 1 at character 8
>           Finished = clock_timestamp(),
>           DidSucceed = _DidSucceed,
>           ErrorMessage = _ErrorMessage
>         WHERE CDSRunTableId = _CdsRunTableId
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function cdsreconcileruntable(bigint) line 82 at
> SQL statement
> STATEMENT:  SELECT CDSReconcileRunTable(2020)
> ..and again with a FATAL
> FATAL:  root page 3 of index "pg_class_oid_index" has level 0, expected 1
> ERROR:  root page 3 of index "pg_class_oid_index" has level 0, expected 1
> CONTEXT:  SQL statement "UPDATE CDSRunTable SET
>           Finished = clock_timestamp(),
>           DidSucceed = _DidSucceed,
>           ErrorMessage = _ErrorMessage
>         WHERE CDSRunTableId = _CdsRunTableId"
>     PL/pgSQL function cdsreconcileruntable(bigint) line 82 at SQL statement

Just to be absolutely clear, those happened *before* the following
errors? And there were no 'during exception cleanup' like errors before?

> 3) shortly (?) after that, I got:
> WARNING:  did not find subXID 14955 in MyProc
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function cdsreconcileruntable(bigint) line 35
> during exception cleanup
> WARNING:  you don't own a lock of type RowExclusiveLock
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function cdsreconcileruntable(bigint) line 35
> during exception cleanup
> LOG:  could not send data to client: Broken pipe
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function cdsreconcileruntable(bigint) line 35
> during exception cleanup
> STATEMENT:  SELECT CDSReconcileRunTable(2151)
> WARNING:  ReleaseLockIfHeld: failed??
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function cdsreconcileruntable(bigint) line 35
> during exception cleanup
> ERROR:  failed to re-find shared proclock object
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function cdsreconcileruntable(bigint) line 35
> during exception cleanup
> STATEMENT:  SELECT CDSReconcileRunTable(2151)
> WARNING:  AbortSubTransaction while in ABORT state
> WARNING:  did not find subXID 14955 in MyProc
> WARNING:  you don't own a lock of type AccessShareLock
> WARNING:  ReleaseLockIfHeld: failed??
> ERROR:  failed to re-find shared proclock object
> WARNING:  AbortSubTransaction while in ABORT state
> WARNING:  did not find subXID 14955 in MyProc
> WARNING:  you don't own a lock of type AccessShareLock
> WARNING:  ReleaseLockIfHeld: failed??
> WARNING:  you don't own a lock of type ShareLock
> TRAP: FailedAssertion("!(FastPathStrongRelationLocks->count[fasthashcode]
> > 0)", File: "lock.c", Line: 1240)
> LOG:  server process (PID 10117) was terminated by signal 6: Aborted
> LOG:  terminating any other active server processes


Were there any 'LOG: Handling deadlock detected on CdsRunTableId' log
entries before? It's hard to know from here, but the 'during exception
cleanup' indicates a problem in abort handling.  Were there any deadlock
detected errors closeby?

You're catching deadlock errors in a subtransaction. Hm.


Andres Freund

 Andres Freund                     http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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