system = powerpc-ibm-aix4.2.1.0 

configure command 

env CC=gcc ./configure --with-maxbackends=1024 --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl 
--enable-syslog --enable-odbc --disable-nls

gmake check output file


parallel group (13 tests):  text varchar oid int2 char boolean float4 int4 name int8 
float8 bit numeric
     boolean              ... ok
     char                 ... ok
     name                 ... ok
     varchar              ... ok
     text                 ... ok
     int2                 ... ok
     int4                 ... ok
     int8                 ... ok
     oid                  ... ok
     float4               ... ok
     float8               ... ok
     bit                  ... ok
     numeric              ... ok
test strings              ... ok
test numerology           ... ok
parallel group (20 tests):  lseg date path circle polygon box point time timetz 
tinterval abstime interval reltime comments inet timestamptz timestamp type_sanity 
opr_sanity oidjoins
     point                ... ok
     lseg                 ... ok
     box                  ... ok
     path                 ... ok
     polygon              ... ok
     circle               ... ok
     date                 ... ok
     time                 ... ok
     timetz               ... ok
     timestamp            ... ok
     timestamptz          ... ok
     interval             ... ok
     abstime              ... ok
     reltime              ... ok
     tinterval            ... ok
     inet                 ... ok
     comments             ... ok
     oidjoins             ... ok
     type_sanity          ... ok
     opr_sanity           ... ok
test geometry             ... FAILED
test horology             ... ok
test insert               ... ok
test create_function_1    ... ok
test create_type          ... ok
test create_table         ... ok
test create_function_2    ... ok
test copy                 ... ok
parallel group (7 tests):  create_aggregate create_operator triggers vacuum inherit 
constraints create_misc
     constraints          ... ok
     triggers             ... ok
     create_misc          ... ok
     create_aggregate     ... ok
     create_operator      ... ok
     inherit              ... ok
     vacuum               ... ok
parallel group (2 tests):  create_view create_index
     create_index         ... ok
     create_view          ... ok
test sanity_check         ... ok
test errors               ... ok
test select               ... ok
parallel group (16 tests):  select_distinct_on select_into select_having transactions 
select_distinct random subselect portals arrays union select_implicit case aggregates 
hash_index join btree_index
     select_into          ... ok
     select_distinct      ... ok
     select_distinct_on   ... ok
     select_implicit      ... ok
     select_having        ... ok
     subselect            ... ok
     union                ... ok
     case                 ... ok
     join                 ... ok
     aggregates           ... ok
     transactions         ... ok
     random               ... ok
     portals              ... ok
     arrays               ... ok
     btree_index          ... ok
     hash_index           ... ok
test privileges           ... ok
test misc                 ... ok
parallel group (5 tests):  portals_p2 cluster rules select_views foreign_key
     select_views         ... ok
     portals_p2           ... ok
     rules                ... ok
     foreign_key          ... ok
     cluster              ... ok
parallel group (11 tests):  limit truncate temp copy2 domain rangefuncs conversion 
prepare without_oid plpgsql alter_table
     limit                ... ok
     plpgsql              ... ok
     copy2                ... ok
     temp                 ... ok
     domain               ... ok
     rangefuncs           ... ok
     prepare              ... ok
     without_oid          ... ok
     conversion           ... ok
     truncate             ... ok
     alter_table          ... ok


*** ./expected/geometry-powerpc-aix4.out        Tue Sep 12 17:07:16 2000
--- ./results/geometry.out      Thu Nov 21 21:46:01 2002
*** 114,120 ****
          | (5.1,34.5) | [(1,2),(3,4)]                 | (3,4)
          | (-5,-12)   | [(1,2),(3,4)]                 | (1,2)
          | (10,10)    | [(1,2),(3,4)]                 | (3,4)
!         | (0,0)      | [(0,0),(6,6)]                 | (0,0)
          | (-10,0)    | [(0,0),(6,6)]                 | (0,0)
          | (-3,4)     | [(0,0),(6,6)]                 | (0.5,0.5)
          | (5.1,34.5) | [(0,0),(6,6)]                 | (6,6)
--- 114,120 ----
          | (5.1,34.5) | [(1,2),(3,4)]                 | (3,4)
          | (-5,-12)   | [(1,2),(3,4)]                 | (1,2)
          | (10,10)    | [(1,2),(3,4)]                 | (3,4)
!         | (0,0)      | [(0,0),(6,6)]                 | (-0,0)
          | (-10,0)    | [(0,0),(6,6)]                 | (0,0)
          | (-3,4)     | [(0,0),(6,6)]                 | (0.5,0.5)
          | (5.1,34.5) | [(0,0),(6,6)]                 | (6,6)
*** 127,133 ****
          | (-5,-12)   | [(10,-10),(-3,-4)]            | 
          | (10,10)    | [(10,-10),(-3,-4)]            | 
          | (0,0)      | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | 
!         | (-10,0)    | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | 
          | (-3,4)     | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | 
          | (5.1,34.5) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | 
          | (-5,-12)   | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | 
--- 127,133 ----
          | (-5,-12)   | [(10,-10),(-3,-4)]            | 
          | (10,10)    | [(10,-10),(-3,-4)]            | 
          | (0,0)      | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | 
!         | (-10,0)    | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | 
          | (-3,4)     | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | 
          | (5.1,34.5) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | 
          | (-5,-12)   | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | 
*** 448,454 ****
!      | 
  (6 rows)
  -- convert the circle to an 8-point polygon
--- 448,454 ----
!      | 
  (6 rows)
  -- convert the circle to an 8-point polygon
*** 461,467 ****
!      | 
  (6 rows)
--- 461,467 ----
!      | 
  (6 rows)


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

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