On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 5:57 AM, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Script used to test is attached (parallel_count.sh)

Why does this use EXPLAIN ANALYZE instead of \timing ?

> IBM POWER-7 16 cores, 64 hardware threads
> RAM = 64GB
> Table Size - 120GB
> Used below statements to create table -
> create table tbl_perf(c1 int, c2 char(1000));
> insert into tbl_perf values(generate_series(1,10000000),'aaaaa');
> insert into tbl_perf values(generate_series(10000001,30000000),'aaaaa');
> insert into tbl_perf values(generate_series(30000001,110000000),'aaaaa');

I generated this table using this same method and experimented with
copying the whole file to the bit bucket using dd.  I did this on
hydra, which I think is the same machine you used.

time for i in `seq 0 119`; do if [ $i -eq 0 ]; then f=16388; else
f=16388.$i; fi; dd if=$f of=/dev/null bs=8k; done

There is a considerable amount of variation in the amount of time this
takes to run based on how much of the relation is cached.  Clearly,
there's no way for the system to cache it all, but it can cache a
significant portion, and that affects the results to no small degree.
dd on hydra prints information on the data transfer rate; on uncached
1GB segments, it runs at right around 400 MB/s, but that can soar to
upwards of 3GB/s when the relation is fully cached.  I tried flushing
the OS cache via echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches, and found that
immediately after doing that, the above command took 5m21s to run -
i.e. ~321000 ms.  Most of your test times are faster than that, which
means they reflect some degree of caching.  When I immediately reran
the command a second time, it finished in 4m18s the second time, or
~258000 ms.  The rate was the same as the first test - about 400 MB/s
- for most of the files, but 27 of the last 28 files went much faster,
between 1.3 GB/s and 3.7 GB/s.

This tells us that the OS cache on this machine has anti-spoliation
logic in it, probably not dissimilar to what we have in PG.  If the
data were cycled through the system cache in strict LRU fashion, any
data that was leftover from the first run would have been flushed out
by the early part of the second run, so that all the results from the
second set of runs would have hit the disk.  But in fact, that's not
what happened: the last pages from the first run remained cached even
after reading an amount of new data that exceeds the size of RAM on
that machine.  What I think this demonstrates is that we're going to
have to be very careful to control for caching effects, or we may find
that we get misleading results.  To make this simpler, I've installed
a setuid binary /usr/bin/drop_caches that you (or anyone who has an
account on that machine) can use you drop the caches; run 'drop_caches

> Block-By-Block
> No. of workers/Time (ms) 0 2
> Run-1 267798 295051
> Run-2 276646 296665
> Run-3 281364 314952
> Run-4 290231 326243
> Run-5 288890 295684

The next thing I did was run test with the block-by-block method after
having dropped the caches.  I did this with 0 workers and with 8
workers.  I dropped the caches and restarted postgres before each
test, but then ran each test a second time to see the effect of
caching by both the OS and by PostgreSQL.  I got these results:

With 0 workers, first run took 883465.352 ms, and second run took 295050.106 ms.
With 8 workers, first run took 340302.250 ms, and second run took 307767.758 ms.

This is a confusing result, because you expect parallelism to help
more when the relation is partly cached, and make little or no
difference when it isn't cached.  But that's not what happened.

I've also got a draft of a prefetching implementation here that I'd
like to test out, but I've just discovered that it's buggy, so I'm
going to send these results for now and work on fixing that.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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