On 1/27/15 9:29 AM, Stephen Frost wrote:
My point is that Bruce's patch suggests looking for "remote_dir" in
>the rsync documentation, but no such term appears there.
Ah, well, perhaps we could simply add a bit of clarification to this:

for details on specifying <option>remote_dir</>

The whole remote_dir discussion made me think of something... would --link-dest 
be any help here?

              This option behaves like --copy-dest, but unchanged files are 
hard linked from DIR to the des-
              tination  directory.   The  files  must be identical in all 
preserved attributes (e.g. permis-
              sions, possibly ownership) in order for the files to be linked 
together.  An example:

                rsync -av --link-dest=$PWD/prior_dir host:src_dir/ new_dir/

Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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