On November 26, 2002 06:33 am, Al Sutton wrote:
> I wouldn't go for 7.4 in production until after it's gone gold, but being
> able to cut the number of boxes per developer by giving them a Win32 native
> version would save on everything from the overhead of getting the
> developers familiar enough with Linux to be able to admin their own
> systems, to cutting the network usage by having the DB and app on the same
> system, through to cutting the cost of electricity by only having one box
> per developer. It would also be a good way of testing 7.4 against our app
> so we can plan for an upgrade when it's released ;).

If your database is of any significant size you probably want a separate 
database machine anyway.  We run NetBSD everywhere and could easily put the 
apps on the database machine but choose not to.  We have 6 production servers 
running various apps and web servers and they all talk to a central database 
machine which has lots of RAM.  Forget about bandwidth.  Just get a 100MBit 
switch and plug everything into it.  Network bandwidth won't normally be your 
bottleneck.  Memory and CPU will be.

We actually have 4 database machines, 3 running transaction databases and 1 
with an rsynced copy for reporting purposes.  We use 3 networks, 1 for the 
app servers to talk to the Internet, 1 for the app servers to talk to the 
databases and one for the databases to talk amongst themselves.

Even for development we keep a separate database machine that developers all 
use.  They run whatever they want - we have people using NetBSD, Linux and 
Windows - but they work on one database which is tuned for the purpose.  They 
can even create their own databases on that system if they want for local 

D'Arcy J.M. Cain <darcy@{druid|vex}.net>   |  Democracy is three wolves
http://www.druid.net/darcy/                |  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212     (DoD#0082)    (eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

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