On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 11:38 PM, Peter Geoghegan <pg(at)heroku(dot)com> wrote:
> Simply removing IGNORE support until such time as we straighten
> that all out (9.6?) seems like the simplest solution. No need to block
> the progress of "UPSERT", since exclusion constraint support was
> only ever going to be useful for the less compelling IGNORE variant.
> What do other people think? Do you agree with my view that we should
> shelve IGNORE support for now, Heikki?

I appreciate the work you're doing and (as a user rather than a
pg-hacker) don't want to butt in but if it would be possible to allow
support for IGNORE for unique but not exclusion constraints that would
be really helpful for my own use cases, where being able to insert
from a dataset into a table containing unique constraints without
having to first check the dataset for uniqueness (within both itself
and the target table) is very useful.

It's possible that I've misunderstood anyway and that you mean purely
that exclusion constraint IGNORE should be shelved until 9.6, in which
case I apologise.

Of course if there's no way to allow unique constraint IGNORE without
exclusion constraints then just ignore me; I (along I'm sure with all
the others who are following this conversation from afar) will be
incredibly grateful for the work you've done either way.

I suppose there's no reason why we couldn't use a no-op ON CONFLICT
UPDATE anyway, but that does seem rather messy and (I imagine) would
involve rather more work (unless the optimizer were able to optimize
away the "update"? I don't know enough to be able to say if it would).



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