On 2/15/15 6:31 PM, David Steele wrote:
> I had a problem installing the doc tools following the directions for
> OSX at http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/docguide-toolsets.html.
>  I'm running OSX Yosemite.
> I got it to work by changing the command from:
> sudo port install docbook-dsssl docbook-sgml-4.2 docbook-xml-4.2
> docbook-xsl libxslt openjade opensp
> To:
> sudo port install docbook-dsssl docbook-sgml-4.2 docbook-xml-4.2
> docbook-xsl libxslt opensp openjade
> I didn't capture the error message unfortunately, but it was more or
> less: unresolved dependency opensp while installing openjade.

That seems a bit incredible, since port should be able to resolve the
dependencies by itself.  I suggest that this should be reported as a bug
to MacPorts.

Also note that the other listed packages are also not ordered in
dependency order.

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