Hello Everyone,

I'm Eric Grinstein, an Comp. Engineering undergrad at PUC-Rio, Brazil.
I'm very excited about contributing to Postgres, and thought GSoC would be
a very good program to get me started.

Some commercial RDBMS such as oracle implement a feature called 'Query
using materialized views. When a query is being processed, the system
checks whether a materialized view created on a similar query could be
useful for the query. If so, it rewrites it so it can take advantage of the
MV, usually dispensing a lot of calculation.

I think the implementation of the feature would be a nice project to work
on, and very benefical to Postgres. Many people (including myself) miss the
feature on it, and

So, could you give me your opinion about it? If I made a proposal, would
the community's response be positive? If you have things to add, new ideas,
I'd be very excited to hear them.

Thank you for your time! Hope to make my first patch soon!


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