On 2/26/15 1:49 PM, Jim Nasby wrote:
> On 2/23/15 5:09 PM, Tomas Vondra wrote:
>> Over the time I've heard various use cases for this patch, but in most
>> cases it was quite speculative. If you have an idea where this might be
>> useful, can you explain it here, or maybe point me to a place where it's
>> described?
> For better or worse, table structure is a form of documentation for a
> system. As such, it's very valuable to group related fields in a table
> together. When creating a table, that's easy, but as soon as you need to
> alter your careful ordering can easily end up out the window.
> Perhaps to some that just sounds like pointless window dressing, but my
> experience is that on a complex system the less organized things are the
> more bugs you get due to overlooking something.

I agree with Jim's comments.  I've generally followed column ordering
that goes something like:

1) primary key
2) foreign keys
3) flags
4) other programmatic data fields (type, order, etc.)
5) non-programmatic data fields (name, description, etc.)

The immediate practical benefit of this is that users are more likely to
see fields that they need without scrolling right.  Documentation is
also clearer because fields tend to go from most to least important
(left to right, top to bottom).  Also, if you are consistent enough then
users just *know* where to look.

I wrote a function a while back that reorders columns in tables (it not
only deals with reordering, but triggers, constraints, indexes, etc.,
though there are some caveats).  It's painful and not very efficient,
but easy to use.

Most dimension tables that I've worked with are in the millions of rows
so reordering is not problem.  With fact tables, I assess on a
case-by-case basis. It would be nice to not have to do that triage.

The function is attached if anyone is interested.

- David Steele
 or replace function _utility.catalog_table_column_move
    strSchemaName text, 
    strTableName text, 
    strColumnName text, 
    strColumnNameBefore text
    returns void as $$
    rIndex record;
    rConstraint record;
    rColumn record;
    strSchemaTable text = strSchemaName || '.' || strTableName;
    strDdl text;
    strClusterIndex text;
    -- Raise notice that a reorder is in progress
    raise notice 'Reorder columns in table %.% (% before %)', strSchemaName, 
strTableName, strColumnName, strColumnNameBefore;

    -- Get the cluster index
    select pg_index.relname
      into strClusterIndex
      from pg_namespace
           inner join pg_class
                on pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
               and pg_class.relname = strTableName
           inner join pg_index pg_index_map
                on pg_index_map.indrelid = pg_class.oid
               and pg_index_map.indisclustered = true
           inner join pg_class pg_index
                on pg_index.oid = pg_index_map.indexrelid
     where pg_namespace.nspname = strSchemaName;

    if strClusterIndex is null then
        raise exception 'Table %.% must have a cluster index before 
reordering', strSchemaName, strTableName;
    end if;

    -- Disable all user triggers
    strDdl = 'alter table ' || strSchemaTable || ' disable trigger user';
    raise notice '        Disable triggers [%]', strDdl;
    execute strDdl;

    -- Create temp table to hold ddl
    create temp table temp_catalogtablecolumnreorder
        type text not null,
        name text not null,
        ddl text not null

    -- Save index ddl in a temp table
    raise notice '    Save indexes';

    for rIndex in
        with index as
            select _utility.catalog_index_list_get(strSchemaName, strTableName) 
as name
        index_ddl as
            select index.name,
index.name)) as ddl
              from index
        select index.name,
          from index
               left outer join index_ddl
                    on index_ddl.name = index.name
                   and index_ddl.ddl not like '%[function]%'
        raise notice '        Save %', rIndex.name;
        insert into temp_catalogtablecolumnreorder values ('index', 
rIndex.name, rIndex.ddl);
    end loop;

    -- Save constraint ddl in a temp table
    raise notice '    Save constraints';

    for rConstraint in
        with constraint_list as
            select _utility.catalog_constraint_list_get(strSchemaName, 
strTableName, '{p,u,f,c}') as name
        constraint_ddl as
            select constraint_list.name,
          constraint_list.name)) as ddl
              from constraint_list
        select constraint_list.name,
          from constraint_list
               left outer join constraint_ddl
                    on constraint_ddl.name = constraint_list.name
        raise notice '        Save %', rConstraint.name;
        insert into temp_catalogtablecolumnreorder values ('constraint', 
rConstraint.name, rConstraint.ddl);
    end loop;

    -- Move column
    for rColumn in
        with table_column as
            select pg_attribute.attname as name,
                   rank() over (order by pg_attribute.attnum) as rank,
                   pg_type.typname as type,
                   case when pg_attribute.atttypmod = -1 then null else 
((atttypmod - 4) >> 16) & 65535 end as precision,
                   case when pg_attribute.atttypmod = -1 then null else 
(atttypmod - 4) & 65535 end as scale,
                   not pg_attribute.attnotnull as nullable,
                   pg_attrdef.adsrc as default,
              from pg_namespace
                   inner join pg_class
                        on pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
                       and pg_class.relname = strTableName
                   inner join pg_attribute
                        on pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid
                       and pg_attribute.attnum >= 1
                       and pg_attribute.attisdropped = false
                   inner join pg_type
                        on pg_type.oid = pg_attribute.atttypid
                   left outer join pg_attrdef
                        on pg_attrdef.adrelid = pg_class.oid
                       and pg_attrdef.adnum = pg_attribute.attnum
             where pg_namespace.nspname = strSchemaName
             order by pg_attribute.attnum
        select table_column.*
          from table_column table_column_before
               inner join table_column
                    on table_column.rank >= table_column_before.rank
                   and table_column.name <> strColumnName
         where table_column_before.name = strColumnNameBefore
        raise notice '    Move column %', rColumn.name;

        strDdl = 'alter table ' || strSchemaTable || ' rename column "' || 
rColumn.name || '" to "@' || rColumn.name || '@"';
        raise notice '        Rename [%]', strDdl;
        execute strDdl;
        strDdl = 'alter table ' || strSchemaTable || ' add "' || rColumn.name 
|| '" ' || rColumn.type ||
                 case when rColumn.precision is not null then '(' || 
rColumn.precision || ', ' || rColumn.scale || ')' else '' end;
        raise notice '        Create [%]', strDdl;
        execute strDdl;
        strDdl = 'update ' || strSchemaTable || ' set "' || rColumn.name || '" 
= "@' || rColumn.name || '@"';
        raise notice '        Copy [%]', strDdl;
        execute strDdl;

        strDdl = 'alter table ' || strSchemaTable || ' drop column "@' || 
rColumn.name || '@"';
        raise notice '        Drop [%]', strDdl;
        execute strDdl;

        if rColumn."default" is not null then
            strDdl = 'alter table ' || strSchemaTable || ' alter column "' || 
rColumn.name || '" set default ' || rColumn.default;
            raise notice '        Default [%]', strDdl;
            execute strDdl;
        end if;

        if rColumn.nullable = false then
            strDdl = 'alter table ' || strSchemaTable || ' alter column "' || 
rColumn.name || '" set not null';
            raise notice '        Not Null [%]', strDdl;
            execute strDdl;
        end if;
    end loop;

    -- Rebuild indexes
    raise notice '    Rebuild indexes';

    for rIndex in
        select name,
          from temp_catalogtablecolumnreorder
         where type = 'index'
            execute rIndex.ddl;
            raise notice '        Rebuild % [%]', rIndex.name, rIndex.ddl;
            when duplicate_table then
                raise notice '        Skip % [%]', rIndex.name, rIndex.ddl;
    end loop;

    -- Rebuild constraints
    raise notice '    Rebuild constraints';
    for rConstraint in
        select name,
          from temp_catalogtablecolumnreorder
         where type = 'constraint'
            execute rConstraint.ddl;
            raise notice '        Rebuild % [%]', rConstraint.name, 
            when duplicate_object or duplicate_table or 
invalid_table_definition then
                raise notice '        Skip % [%]', rConstraint.name, 
    end loop;

    -- Recluster table
    strDdl = 'cluster ' || strSchemaTable || ' using ' || strClusterIndex;
    raise notice '    Recluster [%]', strDdl;
    execute strDdl;

    -- Enable all user triggers
    strDdl = 'alter table ' || strSchemaTable || ' enable trigger user';
    raise notice '    Enable triggers [%]', strDdl;
    execute strDdl;

    -- Drop temp tables
    drop table temp_catalogtablecolumnreorder;
$$ language plpgsql security invoker;

comment on function _utility.catalog_table_column_move(text, text, text, text) 
'Moves a column before another column in a table.  For example:

{{perform _utility.catalog_table_column_move(''attribute'', ''attribute'', 
''target'', ''active'');}}

will position the "target" column right before the "active" column.  It''s not 
currently possible to directly move a column to the
right but this can be achieved by multiple moves of columns to the left.

There are a few caveats:
* The table must have a cluster index.  Moving columns is messy on the storage 
and the table needs to be re-clustered afterwards.
* Column referencing triggers will not automatically be dropped or rebuilt.
* Column specific permissions are not restored after the move.
* A column cannot be moved before the primary key if there are foreign key 
references from other tables.';

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