Josh Berkus <> writes:
> On 02/26/2015 01:59 PM, Grzegorz Parka wrote:
>> I'm interested in one of old TODO items related to the optimizer -
>> 'Consider compressed annealing to search for query plans'.

> You might look at the earlier attempt to make the GEQO replacement
> "pluggable".  That project failed to complete sufficiently to be a
> feature though, but it did enough to show that our current GEQO
> implementation was suboptimal.

> I'm currently searching for this project ... it was a GSOC project, but
> I think before they required posting to Google Code.

I seem to recall somebody demo'ing a simulated-annealing GEQO replacement
at PGCon a couple years back.  It never got to the point of being a
submitted patch though.

                        regards, tom lane

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