On 26.2.2015 23:36, Tom Lane wrote:
> Jim Nasby <jim.na...@bluetreble.com> writes:
>> On 2/26/15 4:01 PM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
>>> Josh Berkus wrote:
>>>> Oh, I didn't realize there weren't commands to change the LCO.  Without
>>>> at least SQL syntax for LCO, I don't see why we'd take it; this sounds
>>>> more like a WIP patch.
>>> The reason for doing it this way is that changing the underlying
>>> architecture is really hard, without having to bear an endless hackers
>>> bike shed discussion about the best userland syntax to use.  It seems a
>>> much better approach to do the actually difficult part first, then let
>>> the rest to be argued to death by others and let those others do the
>>> easy part (and take all the credit along with that); that way, that
>>> discussion does not kill other possible uses that the new architecture
>>> allows.
>> +1. This patch is already several years old; lets not delay it further.
> I tend to agree with that, but how are we going to test things if there's
> no mechanism to create a table in which the orderings are different?

Physical or logical orderings?

Physical ordering is still determined by the CREATE TABLE command, so
you can do either

    CREATE TABLE order_1 (
        a INT,
        b INT

or (to get the reverse order)

    CREATE TABLE order_2 (
        b INT,
        a INT

Logical ordering may be updated directly in pg_attribute catalog, by
tweaking the attlognum column

    UPDATE pg_attribute SET attlognum = 10
     WHERE attrelid = 'order_1'::regclass AND attname = 'a';

Of course, this does not handle duplicities, ranges and such, so that
needs to be done manually. But I think inventing something like

    ALTER TABLE order_1 ALTER COLUMN a SET lognum = 11;

should be straightforward. But IMHO getting the internals working
properly first is more important.

Tomas Vondra                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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