On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

> > Glad you liked it.  But that doesn't change the fact that it obscured the
> > release to the point that many people didn't even know it was released.
> > I found out by folks complaining about broken links.
> Hrm - the subject said it all, plus what about the first 2 paragraphs?
> " PostgreSQL Global Development Group Announces Version 7.3"
>      "The PostgreSQL Global Development Group proudly announces the
> release of version 7.3 of the PostgreSQL object-relational database
> management system (ORDBMS). PostgreSQL, the world's most advanced
> open source database, provides solutions for many of the most demanding
> applications in use today, saving businesses and governments millions
> of dollars each year."
> Maybe the user comments can be moved until after the 7.3 feature list?

First things first.  In pine, the "announcement" looked like this in the

    17096 Nov 28 PostgreSQL Public   (6733) [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Global Developm

I see nothing about 7.3 there.  When skimming the mailbox, that's what I
see.  I didn't see the actual message until AFTER went looking for it.

When I did find it, this is what I saw when I opened it:

For Immediate Release                               November 28th, 2002

Justin Clift
+61.3 9363 1313 (Australia)

Marc Fournier
+1.902 542 0713 (Canada)


Yep, it's gotta be the best one yet.

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