Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> On 3/3/15 9:49 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
>> Even this promises to vastly increase the number of lines in the file,

> I think lines are cheap.  Columns are much harder to deal with.

Yeah.  pg_proc.h is already impossible to work with in a standard
80-column window.  I don't want to find that the lines mostly wrap even
when I expand my editor window to full screen width, but that is certainly
what will happen if we adopt column labelling *and* insist that entries
remain all on one line.  (As a data point, the maximum usable Emacs window
width on my Mac laptop seems to be about 230 characters.)

It's possible that gaining the ability to depend on per-column defaults
would reduce the typical number of fields so much that pg_proc.h entries
would still fit on a line of 100-some characters ... but I'd want to see
proof before assuming that.  And pg_proc isn't even our widest catalog.
Some of the ones that are wider, like pg_am, don't seem like there would
be any scope whatsoever for saving space with per-column defaults.

So while I can see the attraction of trying to fit things on one line,
I doubt it's gonna work very well.  I'd rather go over to a
one-value-per-line format and live with lots of lines.

>> and make it harder to compare entries by grepping out some common
>> substring.

> Could you give an example of the sort of thing you wish to do?

On that angle, I'm dubious that a format that allows omission of fields is
going to be easy for editing scripts to modify, no matter what the layout
convention is.  I've found it relatively easy to write sed or even Emacs
macros to add new column values to old-school pg_proc.h ... but in this
brave new world, I'm going to be really hoping that the column default
works for 99.9% of pg_proc entries when we add a new pg_proc column,
because slipping a value into a desired position is gonna be hard for
a script when you don't know whether the adjacent existing fields are
present or not.

                        regards, tom lane

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