I wrote:
> You could try something like
> typedef struct BrinSpecialSpace
> {
>       uint16          vector[MAXALIGN(1) / sizeof(uint16)];
> } BrinSpecialSpace;
> and then some access macros to use the last and next-to-last
> elements of that array.

On second thought, consider

typedef struct BrinSpecialSpace
        uint16          flags;
        uint16          vector[MAXALIGN(1) / sizeof(uint16) - 1];
} BrinSpecialSpace;

This way, accesses to "flags" require no source code changes.
You still need a macro to map "type" onto the last element of
the vector, but there's probably about one reference to "type"
in the source code so it shouldn't be too painful.

                        regards, tom lane

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