Le vendredi 13 mars 2015 14:59:28 Sreerama Manoj a écrit :
> Hi,
>       As we know that "pg_stat_statements" will monitor the queries after
> normalizing the queries(Removes the values present in query). I want to
> know is there a way to store those normalized values because I want to
> check the type of data(values) ,range of data that is being hit to the
> database. I am using Postgres 9.4


You may be interested in the pg_qualstats extension: 

The purpose of the extension is to track values like pg_stat_statements, but 
at the predicate level rather than statement level. It stores normalized 
predicates as well as constants. 

The documentation is here:


It won't give you all normalized values though, only those present in 

Ronan Dunklau
http://dalibo.com - http://dalibo.org

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