I introduced myself on the pgsql-students list but just to introduce here too, 
my name is Hitesh Ramani, I'm a student of Hyderabad Central University, 
Hyderabad, India. Currently I'm pursuing a project in PostgreSQL as my Post 
Graduation project hence I've hacked into the Postgres code a lot of times to 
add some functionalities to it, specifically to the sorting code. I'm also 
familiar with the query processing and backend internals.
I had a few doubts, which I need to ask and start on the proposal as soon as 
possible because the applications have opened.
1. As I did some research on this project, I found date_trunc() supporting 
intervals‏ was suggested last year but not selected as a GSoC project. Is it 
being floated this year too(as mentioned on the GSoC 2015 wiki page of 
Postgres)? If yes, what are the exact expected outputs?
2. Can I send a proposal for 2 projects to Postgres itself? Out of which one 
can be taken forward.
3. Does PG Strom take care of sorting as well on the GPUs?
Thanks and Regards,Hitesh Ramani                                          

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