On 3/16/15 11:47 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
I am sure there are more sophisticated things to be done here, but I
guess my feeling is that time is a good way to go here for a first cut
- lots of people have suggested it, and there's clearly a use case for
it.  If the setting turns out to be popular, we can fine-tune it more
once we've got some experience with it.  But I'm nervous about trying
to to design something more complicated than that right now,
especially so late in the release cycle.  We know that this setting,
with time-based units, will meet the needs of the customer for whom it
was developed, and that is a good-enough reason to think that time is
a reasonable metric for this, even if we eventually have others.

+1. As you said, time is easy for people to understand, and I think it will handle a large chunk of the use cases.

I used to have this quote (or something close to it) on my whiteboard... I think it's appropriate here ;)

"The perfect is the enemy of the good. -Simon Riggs"
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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