Tom Lane wrote:
Right at the moment I'm struggling a bit with terminology.  We've got
basically four categories of node types to deal with in this scheme:

			Plan steps		Expressions
			(Scan, Sort, etc)	(Var, Op, Func, etc)

Planner output		"Plan"			"Expr"?

Executor state		"CommonState"		???

The existing Plan-category nodes are all derived from nodetype Plan,
so that seems reasonably well set.  The existing executor state nodes
for Plan nodes are all derived from CommonState, but that seems like
a name that conveys hardly anything.  The existing expression-category
nodes do *not* have any common substructure, and don't seem to need any.
I'm not thrilled about using Expr as a generic term for them, but am not
sure what else to write.  (I'm also finding it confusing whether "plan
node" means "any node in a tree output by the planner" --- which would
then include expression nodes --- or just nodes that correspond to major
steps in the query pipeline --- which is the present usage.)  And what
about a generic term for execution state nodes for expression nodes?

Any ideas about naming are welcome.
Plan steps Expressions
----------------- --------------------
Planner output "Plan" "Expr"
Executor state "PlanState" "ExprState"

I think "Plan node" should only refer to nodes literally derived from nodetype Plan. Similarly with "PlanState nodes".


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