I also implemented a quick and dirty version for a merge log based on
sharing a file handle (append mode + sprintf + fputs).

I tried the "append + per-thread 2KB buffered sprintf + fputs when full",
with the same number of runs. The logs are out of order by chunks, the overhead seems higher with 1 thread, but there is no extra overhead
with 12 threads.

The results are as follow:

 * 1 thread 33 runs median tps (average is consistent):
 - no logging:        22062
 - separate logging:  19360  (-12.2%)
 - merged logging:    19326  (-12.4%, not significant from previous)

 - buf merged logging:   18751 (-15%, seems significant)

The worst overhead I could trigger is with 12 threads:

 * 12 threads 35 runs median tps (average is consistent)
 - no logging:       155917
 - separate logging: 124695 (-20.0%)
 - merged logging:   119349 (-23.5%)

 - buf merged logging: 124914 (-19.9%, not significant from separate)


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