
 I am new to PostgreSQLcommunity, but I would like to become a contributer 
eventually. I have readthrough your "Submitting Patch" guide and decided to 
follow "Start with submitting a patch that is small anduncontroversial to help 
them understand you, and to get you familiar with theoverall process" 

 I am interested inplatform-specific spinlock implementation, so I looked at 
s_lock.h file for possibleimprovement. Since it took me some time to find 
possible areas of improvement,I would like to submit a small patch that would 
facilitate the process forfuture contributors (including myself). Since this is 
my first e-mail, pleaselet me know if I should have done something differently 
in order to submit apatch for the community.  


  Project name:

                Spinlock Documentation

  Uniquely identifiable file name:


  What the patch does:

                The patch implements addition to documentation in thementioned 
above file. This addition outlines the current platform-specificimplementations 
for an easy road map to what else could be done.

  Whether the patch is for discussion or forapplication:

                This patch is for application.

  Which branch the patch is against:

                This patch is against master branch.

  Whether it compiles and tests successfully:

                The changes allow for successful compilation andtesting.

  Whether it contains any platform-specificitems and if so, has it been tested 
on other platforms:

                This patch doesn’t have any platform-specific items. 

  Confirm that the patch includes regression tests to check the newfeature 
actually works as described.

                Since this is documentation improvement, regressiontests are 
not needed. 

  Include documentation on how to use the newfeature, including examples:

                Since it’s documentation improvement, nodocumentation is needed 
for documentation.

  Describe the effect your patch has onperformance, if any:

                No effect on performance. Unless we are talking 
aboutdeveloper’s performance. 

  Try to include a few lines about why youchose to do things particular ways:

                I have decided to include the mentioned documentationto outline 
the areas that need improvement. Any developer, looking forplatform-specific 
code improvement implementation can now easily find theneeded area.

Thankyou for your time and help,


Attachment: spinlock-docs.patch
Description: Binary data

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