On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Rod Taylor wrote:

>  double precision | pg_catalog | round          | double precision
>  numeric          | pg_catalog | round          | numeric
>  numeric          | pg_catalog | round          | numeric, integer
> Looks like round still exists to me.

Rod, you don't understand me. :)

I needn't round, or the valueless zeroes too.

It's good (in older version of pSQL):
2.000::numeric -> 2
2.001::numeric -> 2.001

It's "ugly" (in 7.3):
2.000::numeric -> 2.000
2.001::numeric -> 2.001
round(2.000::numeric,2) -> 2.00
round(2.001::numeric,2) -> 2.00

Joel had got a good idea:

joel@joel=# select rtrim(rtrim('2.000'::numeric, '0'),'.');
(1 row)

.. but i prefer the old text(numeric) function :)



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