On 4/20/15 11:11 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 5:06 PM, Greg Stark <st...@mit.edu> wrote:
This is my point though (you're right that "flushed" isn't always the
same as eviction but that's not the important point here). Right now
we only demote when we consider buffers for eviction. But we promote
when we pin buffers. Those two things aren't necessarily happening at
the same rate and in fact are often orders of magnitude different.

I am absolutely, positively, violently in 100% agreement with this.  I
have made the same point before, but it sure is nice to hear someone
else thinking about it the same way.


What I'm saying is that we should demote a buffer every time we
promote a buffer. So every time we pin a buffer we should advance the
clock a corresponding amount. I know I'm being intentionally vague
about what the corresponding amount is.) The important thing is that
the two should be tied together.

Yes, absolutely.  If you tilt your head the right way, my proposal of
limiting the number of promotions per clock sweep has the effect of
tying buffer demotion and buffer promotion together much more tightly
than is the case right now.  You are limited to 2 promotions per
demotion; and practically speaking not all buffers eligible to be
promoted will actually get accessed, so the number of promotions per
demotion will in reality be somewhere between 0 and 2.  Ideally it
would be exactly 1, but 1 +/- 1 is still a tighter limit than we have
at present.  Which is not to say there isn't some other idea that is
better still.

I think that would help, but it still leaves user backends trying to advance the clock, which is quite painful. Has anyone tested running the clock in the background? We need a wiki page with all the ideas that have been tested around buffer management...
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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