On April 23, 2015 3:34:07 PM GMT+03:00, Geoff Winkless <pgsqlad...@geoff.dj> 
>Apologies for butting in but can I (as a user) express a preference as
>user against DO?

Sure. If you propose an alternative ;)

>Firstly, it looks horrible. And what's to stop me having "SELECT true
>do" in the where clause (as per your UPDATE objection)?

A syntax error. DO is a reserved keyword. Update is just unreserved (and thus 
can be used as a column label). Ignore is unreserved with the patch and was 
unreserved before.  We obviously can make both reserved, but of so we have to 
do it for real, not by hiding the conflicts 

>Shouldn't UPDATE be a reserved keyword anyway? AIUI ANSI suggests so.

It's not one right now. And ignore isn't a keyword at all atm.

(Please don't top post)


Please excuse brevity and formatting - I am writing this on my mobile phone.

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