On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, Marc G. Fournier wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, Dave Page wrote:
> > I'll preempt the 'this was all discussed on -advocacy, you should have
> > been there' response with yet another agreement with Vince :-) - I too
> > am getting far too much mail these days and another list is the last
> > thing I need.
> And I'll pre-empt *that* with "the volume of email isn't changing, only
> the ability to filter that email" ... the purpose of the -advocacy list is
> to focus on how to better market the software ... not through stuff like
> advertising, but how do we provide information to debunk alot of the
> out-dated myths that still float around ...

But we *are* filtering.  I'm filtering out all mail from -advocacy.
Besides, I already got off of lists that I wanted to be on due to the
traffic.  Now you want me to join one that I don't want to be on so I
can get more traffic?  I've seen how well filters work.  I've asked you
questions that I never did get an answer to.  How is that any better than
not getting the mail to begin with?

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