On April 26, 2015 11:22:01 AM GMT+02:00, Heikki Linnakangas <hlinn...@iki.fi> 
>On 04/25/2015 12:01 PM, Andres Freund wrote:
>> INSERT ... ON CONFLICT (cola, colb [WHERE predicate_for_partial])
>> My problem with the WHERE being inside the parens in the above is
>> it's
>> a) different from CREATE INDEX
>> b) unclear whether the WHERE belongs to colb or the whole index
>>     expression. The equivalent for aggregates, which I bet is going
>to be
>>     used less often, caused a fair amount of confusing.
>> That's why I wanted the WHERE outside the (), which requires either
>> adding DO between the index inference clause, and the action, to
>> ambiguities in the grammar.
>Yeah, having the WHERE outside the parens seems much nicer. What is the

With a full keyword in between (like DO), there's none. But without it its 
ambiguous where a trailing UPDATE belongs to. At least from the point of a LALR 
grammar. WHERE UPDATE; is legal. I don't see the DO as much of a problem though.

>> But I'm generally having some doubts about the syntax.
>> Right now it's
>> INSERT ... ON CONFLICT opt_on_conf_clause UPDATE|IGNORE.
>> A couple things:
>> a) Why is is 'CONFLICT"? We're talking about a uniquness violation.
>>     if we, at some later point, also want to handle other kind of
>>     violations? Shouldn't it be ON UNIQUE CONFLICT/ERROR/VIOLATION
>As Peter said, it's also for exclusion constraints. Perhaps "ON 
>CONSTRAINT VIOLATION"? It doesn't apply to foreign key constraints, 
>though. I think "ON CONFLICT" is fine.

What if we, as at least I have previously wished for, want to allow handling 
other types of constraints? It'd be quite cool to be able to insert the 
referenced key on a fkey violation for some use cases.

>> b) For me there's a WITH before the index inference clause missing,
>>     have it read in 'SQL' style.
>Agreed. ON would sound more natural than WITH though:

I chose WITh because of the repeated DO; that's all ;)

Please excuse brevity and formatting - I am writing this on my mobile phone.

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