
In the flurry of releases, I want to make sure I haven't missed something. Here is an example of how I will take a base backup:

Origin: select pg_start_backup('my_backup',TRUE);
Subscriber: rsync -auvk db1:/var/lib/pgsql/data data
Origin: select pg_stop_backup();
Subscriber: remove backup_label
Subscriber: start postgresql

Now I know there are nuances here but the above should provide a valid, start able, postgresql on the subscriber, yes?

The reason I ask goes back to the btree errors I mentioned previously. I have in the last month experienced corrupt indexes, as well as corrupt indexes/duplicates in tables on multiple customer instances.

This is multiple customers, all running 9.l or 9.2 (STABLE). There is a mix of AWS/EC2, HyperV and Bare metal. They are all running Linux.

In fact, at this point I can consistently produce a base backup that has corrupt indexes. I can consistently produce a base backup that has these issues if it is on bare metal, virtualized or network filesystem.

So if we aren't willing to backport the 9.4 fixes (which I do understand), what do we do about this? Do we need a PSA?

If this was an isolated instance, it would be one thing but I am certainly not the only person running into this.


Joshua D. Drake

Command Prompt, Inc. - http://www.commandprompt.com/  503-667-4564
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