I've read through all the error messages in the patch. Some comments:


postgres=# create table foo (id int4);
postgres=# create unique index foo_y on foo (id) where id > 0;
postgres=# insert into foo values (-1) on conflict (id) where id > 0 do nothing; ERROR: inferred arbiter partial unique index's predicate does not cover tuple proposed for insertion DETAIL: ON CONFLICT inference clause implies that the tuple proposed for insertion must be covered by the predicate of partial index "foo_y".

I'm surprised. If the inserted value doesn't match the WHERE clause of the constraint, there is clearly no conflict, so I would assume the above to work without error.


postgres=# create table foo (id int4 primary key, col2 int4, constraint col2_unique unique (col2) deferrable);
postgres=# insert into foo values (2)  on conflict on foo_pkey do nothing;
ERROR: ON CONFLICT is not supported on relations with deferred unique constraints/exclusion constraints

Why not? I would understand if the specified arbiter constraint is deferred, but why does it matter if one of the other constraints is?


postgres=# create table foo (id int4 primary key);
postgres=# begin isolation level serializable;
postgres=# select 1; -- to get the snapshot
(1 row)

<in another session, insert 1>
postgres=# insert into foo values (1)  on conflict on foo_pkey do nothing;
ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent insert or update directing alternative ON CONFLICT path

What about a delete? Don't you get a serialization error, if another backend deletes the conflicting tuple, and you perform an INSERT based on the effects of the deleting transaction, which is not supposed to be visible to you?

The error message is quite long. How about just giving the default "could not serialize access due to concurrent update" message? I don't think the "directing alternative ON CONFLICT path" really helps the user.


postgres=# insert into foo values (1), (2) on conflict on foo_pkey do update set id = 2; ERROR: ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command could not lock/update self-inserted tuple HINT: Ensure that no rows proposed for insertion within the same command have duplicate constrained values.

"lock/update" doesn't sound good. If the system knows which it is, should say so. But in this case, locking the row just an implementation detail. We're performing the UPDATE when that error happens, not locking.

How about:

ERROR:  could not update tuple that was inserted in the same command
HINT:  Ensure that the rows being inserted do not conflict with each other.

BTW, the tuple might be an updated version of an existing tuple, i.e. the ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE ... was fired on an earlier row. Not necessarily a row that was inserted in the same command. The message is technically correct, but you need to understand the difference between tuple and a row. Actually, should we avoid using the term "tuple" altogether in user-facing errors?


postgres=# insert into foo values (1)  on conflict (xmin) do nothing;
ERROR: system columns may not appear in unique index inference specification

"may" is usually not the right word to use in error messages, as it implies permission to do something (see style guide). It's not totally inappropriate in this case, but how about:

ERROR:  system columns cannot be used in an ON CONFLICT clause


postgres=# create table foo (id int4, constraint xcheck CHECK (id > 0));CREATE TABLE
postgres=# insert into foo values (1) on conflict on xcheck do nothing;
ERROR:  constraint in ON CONFLICT clause has no associated index

How about:

ERROR:  "xcheck" is a CHECK constraint
DETAIL: Only unique or exclusion constraints can be used in ON CONFLICT ON clause.

That's assuming that "xcheck" actually is a CHECK constraint. Similarly for a foreign key constraint.


postgres=# create table foo (id int4, constraint foo_x exclude using gist (id with =) );
postgres=# insert into foo values (1) on conflict on foo_x do update set id=-1;
ERROR:  "foo_x" is not a unique index
DETAIL:  ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE requires unique index as arbiter.

I think it would be better to refer to the constraint here, rather than the index. The user specified the constraint, the fact that it's backed by an index is just an implementation detail.

Actually, the user specified an exclusion constraint, and expected DO UPDATE to work with that. But we don't support that. So we should say:

ERROR:  ON CONFLICT ... DO UPDATE not supported with exclusion constraints


postgres=# create table foo (id int4 primary key, t text);
postgres=# insert into foo values (1)  on conflict (t) do nothing;
ERROR: could not infer which unique index to use from expressions/columns and predicate provided for ON CONFLICT

I think we should assume that the user listed the columns correctly, but there is no constraint on them. The current message implies that the list of columns was wrong. Either case is possible, of course, but I'd suggest:

ERROR: there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification


postgres=# insert into foo values (1) on conflict (t nulls first) do nothing; ERROR: ON CONFLICT does not accept ordering or NULLS FIRST/LAST specifications
LINE 1: insert into foo values (1)  on conflict (t nulls first) do n...
HINT:  These factors do not affect uniqueness of indexed datums.

I'd suggest:

ERROR:  NULLS FIRST/LAST is not allowed in ON CONFLICT clause

and just leave out the hint. Or say something along the lines "You can just leave it out".

Any chance the errlocation could point to the actual NULLS FIRST/LAST clause, not the paren starting the column list? And ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR would be more appropriate for this.


postgres=# insert into foo values (1) on conflict do update set count = excluded.count + 1;
ERROR:  ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE requires explicit arbiter index
LINE 1: insert into foo values (1)  on conflict do update set count ...

"Hmm, so where do I stick the index then?" or "But I just created the index! Why can't the system find it?"

Can we avoid exposing the term "arbiter index" to the user? From a user's point of view, he cannot specify an index directly. He can specify a list of columns and an optional WHERE clause, or a constraint name.

How about:

ERROR:  DO UPDATE requires a constraint name or index specification
HINT:  For example, ON CONFLICT ON <constraint> or ON CONFLICT (<column>)


postgres=# insert into pg_roles values ('myrole')  on conflict do nothing;
ERROR:  ON CONFLICT not supported with catalog relations
LINE 1: insert into pg_roles values ('myrole')  on conflict do nothi...

I think the more common term used in error messages is "system catalog table"


postgres=# create table foo (id int4 primary key);
postgres=# create rule insert_foo as on insert to foo do also insert into bar values (-1);
postgres=# insert into foo values (1) on conflict on foo_pkey do update set id=1; ERROR: INSERT with ON CONFLICT clause may not target relation with INSERT or UPDATE rules

That's not strictly true. A "DO INSTEAD NOTHING" rule doesn't prevent ON CONFLICT from working, for example. Not sure how to phrase that into the message without making it too long.

"may" is again not very appropriate here. Should be "cannot". And the term "target relation" might not be very clear to an average user.


Phew, that was quite a list..

- Heikki

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