Robert Haas <> writes:
> On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
>> That's nice, but 9.5 feature freeze is only a week away.  I don't have a
>> lot of confidence that this stuff is actually in a state where we won't
>> regret shipping it in 9.5.

> Yeah.  The POC you were asking for upthread certainly exists and has
> for a while, or I would not have committed this.  But I do not think
> it likely that the  postgres_fdw support will be ready for 9.5.

Well, we have two alternatives.  I can keep hacking on this and get it
to a state where it seems credible to me, but we won't have any proof
that it actually works (though perhaps we could treat any problems
as bugs that should hopefully get found before 9.5 ships, if a
postgres_fdw patch shows up in the next few months).  Or we could
revert the whole thing and bounce it to the 9.6 cycle.  I don't really
like doing the latter, but I'm pretty uncomfortable with committing to
published FDW APIs that are (a) as messy as this and (b) practically
untested.  The odds that something slipped through the cracks are high.

Aside from the other gripes I raised, I'm exceedingly unhappy with the
ad-hoc APIs proposed for GetForeignJoinPaths and set_join_pathlist_hook.
It's okay for internal calls in joinpath.c to look like that, but
exporting that set of parameters seems like pure folly.  We've changed
those parameter lists repeatedly (for instance in 9.2 and again in 9.3);
the odds that they'll need to change again in future approach 100%.

One way we could reduce the risk of code breakage there is to stuff all
or most of those parameters into a struct.  This might result in a small
slowdown for the internal calls, or then again maybe not --- there
probably aren't many architectures that can pass 10 parameters in
registers anyway.

                        regards, tom lane

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