bigapple wrote:
> hi,
>  When I check out the pgsql from cvs and I complile it,  an error occured .
> dir: pgsql/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc
> bison -y -d preproc.y
> erro information:
>   preproc.y:5559: fatal error: maximum table size (32767) exceeded.

You need at least version 1.5 of bison. Last time I checked, the latest out
was 1.75

> However, I used the source from the ftp, find preproc.c in there.  gmake will skip 
> step(bison -y -d preproc.y) and succeeded.
> who can tell me why?

Source distributions contain preprocessed files so that you can compile
PostgreSQL without needing bison installed. I think you only need bison if you
get source code from CVS (or want to hack the grammar in the source distribution).



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