On 6/5/15 6:54 PM, deavid wrote:

So the problem is: i see a low iowait, and CPU time for one core is at
80-90% most of the time. I can buy more ram, better disks, or cpu's with
more cores. But one cpu core would have more-or-less the same speed no
matter how much money you invest.

When someone wants a delayed-write index is similar to setting
  "synchronous_commit = off". We want to give an OK to the backend as
soon as is possible and do this work in background. But we also want
some reliability against crashes.

Also, if the task is done in background it may be done from other
backend, so probably several indexes could be packed at once using
different backend processes. We could use the entire cpu if our index
writes aren't tied to the session who wrote the row.

Something that might help here would be doing the index maintenance in parallel via background workers. There's now enough parallelism infrastructure that it shouldn't be too hard to hack up a quick test of that.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting, Austin TX
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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