On 6/22/15 1:37 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> Currently, the only time we report a process as waiting is when it is
> waiting for a heavyweight lock.  I'd like to make that somewhat more
> fine-grained, by reporting the type of heavyweight lock it's awaiting
> (relation, relation extension, transaction, etc.).  Also, I'd like to
> report when we're waiting for a lwlock, and report either the specific
> fixed lwlock for which we are waiting, or else the type of lock (lock
> manager lock, buffer content lock, etc.) for locks of which there is
> more than one.  I'm less sure about this next part, but I think we
> might also want to report ourselves as waiting when we are doing an OS
> read or an OS write, because it's pretty common for people to think
> that a PostgreSQL bug is to blame when in fact it's the operating
> system that isn't servicing our I/O requests very quickly.

Could that also cover waiting on network?

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