On 2015/07/03 15:32, Kouhei Kaigai wrote:
On 2015/07/02 23:13, Kouhei Kaigai wrote:
To be honest, ISTM that it's difficult to do that simply and efficiently
for the foreign/custom-join-pushdown API that we have for 9.5.  It's a
little late, but what I started thinking is to redesign that API so that
that API is called at standard_join_search, as discussed in [2];

Disadvantage is larger than advantage, sorry.
The reason why we put foreign/custom-join hook on add_paths_to_joinrel()
is that the source relations (inner/outer) were not obvious, thus,
we cannot reproduce which relations are the source of this join.
So, I had to throw a spoon when I tried this approach before.

Maybe I'm missing something, but my image about this approach is that if
base relations for a given joinrel are all foreign tables and belong to
the same foreign server, then by calling that API there, we consider the
remote join over all the foreign tables, and that if not, we give up to
consider the remote join.

Your understanding is correct, but missing a point. Once foreign tables
to be joined are informed as a bitmap (joinrel->relids), it is not obvious
for extensions which relations are joined with INNER JOIN, and which ones
are joined with OUTER JOIN.

Can't FDWs get the join information through the root, which I think we would pass to the API as the argument?

Also, I don't want to stick on the assumption that relations involved in
remote join are all managed by same foreign-server no longer.
The following two ideas introduce possible enhancement of remote join
feature that involved local relations; replicated table or transformed
to VALUES() clause.



I think add_paths_to_joinrel() is the best location for foreign-join,
not only custom-join. Relocation to standard_join_search() has larger
disadvantage than its advantage.

I agree with you that it's important to ensure the expandability, and my question is, is it possible that the API call from standard_join_search also realize those idea if FDWs can get the join information through the root or something like that?

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

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