Philip Warner writes:

> Just wondering where I should put my modified tuning notes. I was planning
> on  making them section 3.7 in the Admin guide. Does that sound reasonable?

The frequency of vacuum and analyze would seem to belong under Routine
Vacuuming in the Maintenance chapter.  Setting max_fsm_relations belongs
under the entry in the big list of configuration parameters.  Setting
max_fsm_pages also belongs in that list, but the parts that refer to the
VACUUM output should be put near the Routine Vacuuming section.  Create
loads of clickable cross-references.

Btw., please don't enshrine promises about future versions in the
documentation.  Either create a patch that makes the indicated changes
(recommended, since the problem appears to be analyzed) or just document
the status quo.

Peter Eisentraut   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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