Tom Lane writes:

> Well, I certainly think all of these represent bugs:
>>      3 | ERROR:  plan should not reference subplan's variable
>>      2 | ERROR:  failed to assign all NestLoopParams to plan nodes

These appear to be related.  The following query produces the former,
but if you replace the very last reference of provider with the literal
'bar', it raises the latter error.

select 1 from
  pg_catalog.pg_shseclabel as rel_09
      inner join public.rtest_view2 as rel_32
          left join pg_catalog.pg_roles as rel_33
          on (rel_32.a = rel_33.rolconnlimit )
      on (rel_09.provider = rel_33.rolpassword )
    left join pg_catalog.pg_user as rel_35
    on (rel_33.rolconfig = rel_35.useconfig )
where ( ((rel_09.provider ~<~ 'foo')
      and (rel_35.usename ~* rel_09.provider)));

,----[ FWIW: git bisect run ]
| first bad commit: [e83bb10d6dcf05a666d4ada00d9788c7974ad378]
| Adjust definition of cheapest_total_path to work better with LATERAL.


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