On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 12:24 PM, Haribabu Kommi <kommi.harib...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> What is the configuration for test (RAM of m/c, shared_buffers,
> scale_factor, etc.)?

Here are the details:

CPU - 16 core, RAM - 252 GB

shared_buffers - 1700MB, buffer_cache_ratio - 70
wal_buffers - 16MB, synchronous_commit - off
checkpoint_timeout - 15min, max_wal_size - 5GB.

pgbench scale factor - 75 (1GB)

Load test table size - 1GB

>>  Threads         Head        Patched            Diff
>>      1                  3123          3238              3.68%
>>      2                  5997          6261              4.40%
>>      4                 11102       11407              2.75%
>> I am suspecting that, this may because of buffer locks that are
>> causing the problem.
>> where as in older approach of different buffer pools, each buffer pool
>> have it's own locks.
>> I will try to collect the profile output and analyze the same.
>> Any better ideas?
> I think you should try to find out during test, for how many many pages,
> it needs to perform clocksweep (add some new counter like
> numBufferBackendClocksweep in BufferStrategyControl to find out the
> same).  By theory your patch should reduce the number of times it needs
> to perform clock sweep.
> I think in this approach even if you make some buffers as non-replaceable
> (buffers for which BM_BUFFER_CACHE_PAGE is set), still clock sweep
> needs to access all the buffers.  I think we might want to find some way to
> reduce that if this idea helps.
> Another thing is that, this idea looks somewhat similar (although not same)
> to current Ring Buffer concept, where Buffers for particular types of scan
> uses buffers from Ring.  I think it is okay to prototype as you have done
> in patch and we can consider to do something on those lines if at all
> this patch's idea helps.

Thanks for the details. I will try the same.

Hari Babu
Fujitsu Australia

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