On 18 August 2015 21:18, Robert Haas Wrote:

>This footnote goes to my point.
>It seems clear to me that having the autonomous transaction "see" the
>effects of the outer uncommitted transaction is a recipe for trouble.
>If the autonomous transaction updates a row and commits, and the outer
>transaction later aborts, the resulting state is inconsistent with any
>serial history.  I'm fairly certain that's going to leave us in an
>unhappy place.
>Even more obviously, ending up with two committed row versions that are
>both updates of a single ancestor version is no good.
>So, I agree that this scenario should be an error.  What I don't agree
>with is the idea that it should be the deadlock detector's job to throw
>that error.  Rather, I think that when we examine the xmax of the tuple
>we can see - which is the original one, not the one updated by the outer
>transaction - we should check whether that XID belongs to an outer
>transaction.  If it does, we should throw an error instead of trying to
>lock it.  That way (1) the error message will be clear and specific to
>the situation and (2) we don't need a separate PGPROC for each
>autonomous transaction.  The first of those benefits is agreeable; the
>second one is, in my opinion, a key design goal for this feature.

Yes I agree with this. I was in favor of error all the time without involving 
deadlock detector. 

Thanks and Regards,
Kumar Rajeev Rastogi

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