
On 2015-08-27 18:59:13 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> But I do think that letting custom-scan extensions fool about with
> the semantics of plan-copying (and plan-serialization for that matter)
> is a risky choice that is not justified by some marginal gains in code
> readability

To me the likelihood of having bugs in manual (de)serilization via lists
et al. is higher than introducing bugs via copyfuncs. Or even
out/readfuncs, especially as we could easily add a bunch of
verifications to the latter by verifying field names in READ_*. Wether a
prepared statement fails because a copyfuncs hook failed, or whether
it's in the fdw itself doesn't seem to make that much of a difference.

> especially when there are other feasible ways to attack the
> readability problem.

Lets at least add a Value variant that can store strings that aren't
null terminated, that'd already make things a lot better. Right now you
need to reuse Const nodes and stuff a bytea in there or such.

But even then, that only works if you have a single flat datastructure
that doesn't have any pointers in it. copyObject() style copying can
easily cope with that, using a binary blob really can't.

As far as I can see you right now basically need to write code for
custom scans so that between planning and execution you unconditionally
1) create your internal data
2) serialize data,
3) unserialize data
4) use unserialized data

There's no way to stash data between 2 and 3 anywhere, even if there's
no need for the whole copying rigamarole because it was just a plain

If you look at the various *Scan, *Join etc. nodes we have in core, most
of them have a bunch of variable length data structures and pointers in
them. All that you can't sanely do for a custom scan node.

> copyObject needs to be a pretty self-contained operation with not a
> lot of external dependencies


> > [ ruminations about how to improve the system's extensibility ]
> Yeah, I've entertained similar thoughts in the past.  It's not very clear
> how we get there from here, though --- for instance, any fundamental
> change in the Node system would break so much code that it's unlikely
> anyone would thank us for it, even assuming we ever finished the
> conversion project.

How about adding a single 'ExtensibleNode' node type (inheriting from
Node as normal). Many of the switches over node types would gain one
additional entry for that, and do something like
    case T_ExtensibleNode:
        handler = LookupHandler((ExtensibleNode *) node)->extended_type, 
        if (handler)
             result = ((ExecInitNodeHandler *) handler)(node, estate, eflags);
        /* fall through to error */
        elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(node));

that should be doable one-by-one in many of these bigger
switches. There's obviously some limits where that's doable, but I don't
think it'd break much code?

How exactly to identify extended_type in a way that makes sense
e.g. between restarting pg, backends, primary/standby isn't trivial, but
I do think it should be doable.

> I'm also less than convinced that "I should be able to install major new
> features without touching the core code" is actually a sane or useful goal
> to have.

Yea, I have some doubts there as well. There's a lot of features though
which we really don't want in core, where some of the limitations of the
node system really do become problematic.

> As a concrete example, you mentioned the lack of extensibility of the
> bison parser, which is undoubtedly a blocking issue if you want a new
> feature that would require new SQL syntax.

While that's a problem, where I really don't have any good answer, I
also think in many cases it's primarily DDL, and primarily extending
existing DDL. By far the most things I've seen want to add informations
to tables and/or columns - and storage options actually kinda give you
that on the grammar level. We just don't allow you too sanely hook into
it, and there's a bunch of other pointless restrictions.


Andres Freund

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