On Mon, 30 Dec 2002, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

> Since going from 7.2 to 7.3 is a significant upgrade, the FreeBSD guys would
> probablyu be right tho to refuse such a major upgrade...  Still, it's a pity
> though.  Postgres 7.3 has been tested and works fine on FreeBSD 5.

FreeBSD uses something called a ports tree.  This is quite separate from
the source tree, which is used to create FreeBSD 5.  The issue is not
whether or not 7.3 has been tested and works.  When you have nearly
8000 ports, it makes sense to freeze them just prior to a release.  Code
freezes are standard practice.  I which more projects used them.

> ps. Why is Postgres 7.3 still in ports/databases/postgresql-devel ??
> Actually, maybe it was a good thing since if 7.3.1 becomes the new standard
> port people won't be bitten so much by the library version bump.

My guess: because of the port freeze now in effect.

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