Pavel Stehule wrote:

> I cannot to use current SplitIdentifierString because it is designed for
> different purpose - and it cannot to separate non identifier part. But the
> code is simple - and will be cleaned.
>  postgres=# select * from parse_ident('"AHOJ".NAZDAR[]'::text);
> ┌───────────────┬───────┐
> │     parts     │ other │
> ╞═══════════════╪═══════╡
> │ {AHOJ,nazdar} │ []    │
> └───────────────┴───────┘
> (1 row)

Um.  Now this is really getting into much of the same territory I got
into with the objname/objargs arrays for pg_get_object_address.  I think
the "other" bit is a very poor solution to that.

If you want to be able to parse names for all kinds of objects, you need
a solution much more complex than this function.  I think a clean
solution returns three sets of things; one is the primary part of the
name, which is an array of text; the second is the secondary name, which
is another array of text; the third is an array of TypeName.

For the name of a relation, only the first of these arrays is used.  For
the name of objects subsidiary to a relation, the first two are used
(the first array is the name of the relation itself, and the second
array is the name of the object; for instance a constraint name, or a
trigger name).

The array of type names is necessary because the parsing of TypeName is
completely unlike parsing of plain names.  You need [] decorator and
typmod.  If you consider objects such as casts, you need two TypeNames
("from" and "to"), hence this is an array and not a single one.  As far
as I recall there are other object types that also need more than one

For the name of a function, you need the first text array, and the array
of TypeName which are the input argument types.

If you don't want to have all this complexity, I think you need to forgo
the idea of the "other" thingy that you propose above, and just concern
yourself with the first bits.  I don't think "AHOJ".NAZDAR[] is an

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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